Design-Build Collaboration Key in I-390 Interchange Improvements at I-490

Author: Erdman Anthony

Date Released: April 12, 2022

New York State Department of Transportation, Region 4 undertook a project to bring comprehensive improvements to a Rochester, New York, interchange that connects 200,000 motorists daily to the region’s centers of economic activity.

Commuters through the I-390 at I-490 interchange had dealt with years of steadily building congestion, with traffic backing up in all directions during peak hours. The conditions also impacted the surrounding neighborhoods.

Erdman Anthony collaborated with Cold Spring Construction Co. on Phases 3 and 4 of the design-build project, which included four new bridges, new embankment, pavement rehabilitation, enhanced lighting, traffic signal design, new noise walls, and reconstruction of a portion of Lyell Avenue.

Watch this video to learn more about this interchange improvement project.

Watch this video to see the project area.

Read more about the project here

The I-390 Interchange Improvements at I-490, Phases 3 & 4 project is the recipient of the American Public Works Association’s 2021 Project of the Year Award in the category of transportation greater than $75 million from the organization’s Genesee Valley Branch. It also is the recipient of the same award from APWA’s state chapter.