rows of solar panels as part of national utility site development

National Solar Developer Program

Site Development

Location: Various Locations

Owner: National Solar Developer

Status: In Design

The Project

A national solar energy development firm sought to develop solar panel farm sites in New York state.

Erdman Anthony was selected to provide site development services.


Project services include:

  • Due diligence, which included desktop review of online resources, contact with governmental agencies, preparation of mapping, site visits, preliminary permitting, and GIS-LIDAR mapping
  • A site investigative report, which included all or some of the following: determining tax parcel ID numbers of the subject site, identifying potential geotechnical and environmental issues, general topography, aerial photos/existing conditions, access requirements, fire department requirements, identifying initial schedule impacts, utility availability, location of existing water/storm/sanitary, applicable zoning information, tree-preservation requirements, special zoning alternatives, potential required off-site improvements, soft-cost budget estimates, a floodplain map (FEMA), contact names and phone numbers of applicable municipal/AHJ departments, stormwater requirements, and other specific requirements for this land use
  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife/NHESP Review and Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
  • A site-use plan, which included an existing-conditions plan, a tree-clearing plan, a layout and materials plan, a grading and erosion-control plan, and construction details


The developed sites help the company to meet expansion goals, and communities to work towards renewable energy goals.

Sustainable Design Impact

Each new solar panel farm site is developed with sensitivity to existing trees and in compliance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife and Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program requirements. The completed sites produce clean, renewable energy for community solar programs.

Market Contact

Martin Willix, PE

585-427-8888 x 1015


Project Images

rows of solar panels as part of national utility site development