SR A1A/Ocean Boulevard Reconstruction
Design, Survey, and Environmentally Friendly Lighting
Location: Boca Raton, FL
Owner: FDOT District 4
Status: Completed
Construction Cost: $4.8 Million
The Project
A 4.8-mile segment of State Road A1A, from the Palm Beach County line to State Road 800/Spanish River Boulevard, required resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation of the existing roadway. A safer solution was also desired for pedestrians.
Another type of traveler near the project area presented a unique challenge: Pole-mounted roadway lighting is known to interfere with the nesting of female sea turtles and disorient hatchlings.
Erdman Anthony was selected to provide highway design, land surveying services, and a “turtle-friendly” lighting design for the project.
The project’s improvements included:
- A continuous 10-foot-wide pedestrian pathway along the entire west side of the corridor
- Five new midblock pedestrian crossings
- Traffic signal upgrades
- Several coordination meetings with the City of Boca Raton and one public information meeting
- Embedded pavement lights (LED pavement markers)
Pedestrian upgrades included the installation of truncated domes at all pedestrian ramps.
Our work on this project and the resulting recognition of our expertise in this area led FDOT to select Erdman Anthony to develop alternative lighting-design standards for environmentally sensitive coastal areas in Florida that are now used statewide by FDOT and others working in coastal regions.
2009 Grand Award
American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida