
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Construction Plans, Specifications, and Post Design Services

Erdman Anthony provided construction plans, specifications, and post-design services to improve the existing six-lane divided urban roadway along SR 5/U.S. 1, from Broward Boulevard (MP 0.000) to NE 17th Way (MP 1.830) in Broward County. The scope included milling and resurfacing to extend the roadway’s service life, and repair, adjustment and replacement of some of the drainage structures. Access management was streamlined by closing driveways that were no longer required. Existing span-wire signal assemblies at Sunrise Boulevard, NE 15th Street, and NE 17th Way were replaced with mast arms.

The project also involved:

  • Pavement widening for Sunrise Boulevard 
  • Extended resurfacing of the south approach of NE 15th Avenue intersection 
  • Replacement of the existing fiber-optic signal interconnect cable for its entire length from Broward Boulevard to NE 18th Avenue

Project work completed also improves driver, pedestrian, and bicyclist safety throughout the area. Features include:

  • ADA improvements for the entire project length
  • Two new crosswalks added at NE 8th Street and NE 17th Way
  • A new signalized pedestrian crossing was added at NE 16th Terrace 
  • Additional signalization improvements included upgrading all existing pedestrian signals to countdown-type signals and installing video detectors at the Broward Boulevard and U.S. 1 intersection. 
  • Addition of an alternate bike route that runs along the parallel residential streets north and south of Sunrise Boulevard.

Signs and pavement markings for the project were upgraded per Florida DOT current standards, including the installation of a shared ride (sharrow) lane on each side of the road for the entire project length and additional signage for the northbound traffic heading to I-95 around NE 9th Street area.

Nisar Khan, PE, PTOE
Nisar Khan, PE, PTOE
 (561) 753-9723 x 6013