
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Gas Survey and Mapping

As part of an ongoing master services agreement, Erdman Anthony provides National Fuel Gas (NFG) with locating services for existing gas lines, as requested for construction bidding and design-improvement projects. NFG also requests that Erdman Anthony provide professional surveying services to determine the locations of gas lines, with respect to boundary and easement lines.

Erdman Anthony’s geospatial group performed the survey tasks necessary to assist NFG with the following projects:

  • Stakeout of gas lines and highway rights-of-way for residential areas in Buffalo, New York
  • Topographic survey mapping for a design-improvement project in North Tonawanda, New York
  • Location of gas-line assets, as related to boundary/lease lines, in Hornell, New York




David Standinger, PLS, PSM
David Standinger, PLS, PSM
 585-427-8888 x 1070