
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Fire Protection Assessment

A Fortune 500 global research company retained Erdman Anthony to perform fire protection and life safety assessments of multiple buildings. The initial project involved the evaluation of automatic sprinkler systems that serve multiple research clean rooms and associated support spaces. This evaluation included ultrasonic pipe testing to determine the condition of the existing piping, water quality testing to identify the possible presence of corrosion contributors, a review of existing conditions, and preparation of record drawings.

The findings in the report were then used to develop bid documents that allowed the client to replace the existing automatic sprinkler system piping within these sensitive research spaces.

The second project involved the evaluation of an existing multistory building that contained approximately 86,000 square feet of research and testing occupancies. The building was constructed in five phases, between 1954 to 1979, and was partially covered by multiple automatic sprinkler systems. Erdman Anthony conducted a hazard analysis and code review to determine the proper levels of protection required for each space and used the findings to develop a master plan to provide full coverage of the entire building. It was the client’s goal to provide sprinkler coverage throughout the entire building, to identify the current hazards and occupancies in order to confirm proper coverage within the existing spaces, and to provide record documentation of the facility.

Erdman Anthony performed multiple site visits, coordinated with health and safety staff and insurance underwriters, and worked with product manufacturers to assess the existing conditions and to make recommendations for upgrades. These recommendations were then used to develop construction documents for bidding.

Erdman Anthony also provided assistance and support during construction and delivered record documents at the project completion.

Jerry Young, PE, LEED AP, FPE
Jerry Young, PE, LEED AP, FPE
 518-783-1205 x 1235