
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Flood Mitigation and Roadway Rehabilitation

This project rehabilitated and improved 3,800 feet of Bay Front South through Irondequoit Bay Park West, a park in Irondequoit New York, that is owned and maintained by the Monroe County Parks Department. The work addressed and mitigated damage caused by flooding in 2017 that was attributed to high water levels on Lake Ontario and, subsequently, Irondequoit Bay. In addition to repairing the flood-damaged roadway, the project mitigated the potential for future roadway flooding and damage by adding resiliency, which was achieved by raising the roadway grade at least 6 inches, and as much as 16 inches, above the existing grade.

The project’s southern limit was the roadway’s intersection with Orchard Park Boulevard, and it extended northward, along the west shoreline of Irondequoit Bay, for 2,000 feet. Bay Front South then turns westerly, away from the shore, and into the park for 700 feet, before turning northward and continuing for another 1,100 feet to the project terminus, which was at the park’s northern boundary.

Drainage improvements included:

  • installation of six additional cross-culverts
  • one large culvert replacement
  • cleaning, shaping, and grading of roadside ditches and swales

Rehabilitating and raising the roadway were accomplished by:

  • full-depth removal of the old asphalt pavement by milling, and returning the millings back onto the roadway subbase, followed by grading and compaction
  • installation of an underdrain
  • placing grading, and compacting an additional 3 to 12 inches of granular subbase material to achieve the design profile and cross slope
  • placement of a two-course 5.5-inch-thick, conventional hot-mix asphalt pavement to provide a new, durable roadway surface.

The project restoration included in-kind restoration of existing driveways, the parking lot, and the boat ramp aprons in order to match the raised roadway properly.

Marc Kenward, PE
Marc Kenward, PE
 585-427-8888 x 1012