
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

GIS Data-Collection Services

In support of its geographic information systems (GIS) program, the Village of Royal Palm Beach in Florida selected Erdman Anthony to be the village’s sole provider of GIS data-collection services. The data has played a critical role in decisions about maintaining and repairing the village’s infrastructure.

Our firm’s objective as the provider of these services was to work with the village, its contractors, and its private developers to incorporate newly constructed or modified features into the village’s GIS. That enabled village staffers to add the data efficiently to the GIS database.

Ultimately, our firm collected data related to impervious surfaces (polygon), buildings (polygon), road centerlines and lighting (point and polyline), stormwater (point, line and polygon), water utilities and wastewater features (point, line and polygon), and irrigation.

The collected data was geospatially referenced and topologically correct.

David Standinger, PLS, PSM
David Standinger, PLS, PSM
 585-427-8888 x 1070