
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Civil Engineering and Site Design - Fort Drum

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – New York District selected Erdman Anthony to provide the civil/site design for new barracks with built-in soldier community areas and supporting facilities in Fort Drum, NY. The project called for developing access for persons with disabilities in the barracks’ public areas.

The design was broken into three sites: A, B, and C.

• Sites A and B totaled 20.6 acres and consisted of two 222-room barracks and one 150-room barrack. Notable components of the design included a 444-space parking lot, a 150-space parking lot, and 3,000 feet of new three-lane roadway.

• Specific design services included site layout and grading, drainage design (including a micropool extended detention pond), soil erosion and sedimentation controls (temporary and permanent), preparation of a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) and notice of intent (NOI), and roadway, site lighting and utilities, including 3,000 feet of water main, domestic water, and fire-protection connections to each building, and 1,650 feet of sanitary sewer, natural gas, electric, and communications.

• Site C totaled about one acre. The site included a 40-room barracks addition, with a 0.2-acre parking lot expansion/reconfiguration, utility design for the sanitary sewer connection, and soil erosion and sedimentation controls.

Supporting facilities included information systems, fire alarm and protection systems, mass notification systems, landscaping, and site improvements.

Site design and development for anti-terrorism/force protection measures were in accordance with UFC 4-010-02, DoD Minimum Standoff Distances for Buildings.

This project was executed in a fast-track design-build format.

Martin Willix, PE
Martin Willix, PE
 585-427-8888 x 1015