
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Raw Water Transmission Main Design - Boynton Beach, FL

Existing pump stations in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, were over 40 years old, did not meet the city's current standards for submersible pumps, and were costly to maintain, so the city hired Erdman Anthony to provide survey, design, permitting, construction documents, specifications, construction observation, and certification for four pump-station replacements. 

The design for the replacements required that the work be performed on land available and accessible to the city, but the city did not have legally recorded easements for three of the existing stations, so our survey department helped the city prepare the legal documents for recordation of the easements and interacted with property owners and nearby residents during that effort. 

Because existing flows had to be maintained during construction, the design for the replacement pump stations featured a layout that would accommodate a temporary bypass pump and a construction sequence that would provide for continuous service. 

Erdman Anthony assisted the city by: 

  • Eliminating the need for bypass pumping, which was often needed at the old lift stations.
  • Eliminating the need for confined space entry.
  • Reducing complaints of noise and odors from nearby residents.

Dana Gillette, PE, PSM, LEED AP
Dana Gillette, PE, PSM, LEED AP
 561-753-9723 x 6015