Erdman Anthony analyzed the feasibility of providing 2,180 feet of new 60-inch diameter storm sewer and 970 feet of new 36-inch diameter storm sewer along Hertel Avenue, between Starin Avenue and Main Street, to expand the capability of the storm sewer system in North Buffalo. Preliminary design included televising the existing sewers to determine their condition and lateral locations, investigating the subsurface extensively to determine soil, pavement, and rock conditions, and excavating test pits to determine existing utility locations accurately. The study progressed into the design and generation of contract documents for a new 60-inch reinforced-concrete storm sewer line. Our team provided survey and mapping services and designed approximately 3,000 feet of gravity storm sewer line. Twenty-three storm receivers connected to the existing combined sewer system were replaced with new catch basins and connected to the proposed storm sewer. In addition, 18-inch storm sewers were provided at all side streets to facilitate future sewer separation projects undertaken by the Buffalo Sewer Authority. This project was part of an ongoing effort by the sewer authority to separate storm and sanitary sewer systems, as mandated by the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit. Special design consideration was required to complete the installation of the new sewer below a vintage-1900s 36-inch diameter water main that serviced all of North Buffalo. Project plans included complex maintenance and protection of traffic schemes that would allow traffic to proceed through the extensive work zone. Construction of the new line took place completely within the existing right-of-way or existing easements. Erdman Anthony also provided construction inspection and construction administration services for this project. As a result of the new storm sewer, storm runoff no longer drains to the Buffalo Sewer Authority's combined sewer system. Consequently, a higher level of service—reducing the potential for basement flooding and sewer surcharges—is now provided to users of the combined sewer system.