THE PROJECTThe project along PA 921 in Conewago and East Manchester Township, York County, was a cooperative effort among several municipalities, PennDOT, York County, and multiple business entities. It involved improvements to state-owned roadways to support the addition of over 3 million square feet of warehouse development.Erdman Anthony was selected to provide engineering design services for various improvements within the project area.
FEATURES/SOLUTIONSOne section of the project has been advanced through construction. Its key features include:• Reconstruction/realignment of over 1 mile of Canal Road and Locust Point Road• Addition of turn lanes, shoulders, and a new drainage collection system• Addition of traffic signals and improved sight distance at the Canal Road/Locust Point intersection• Addition of infiltration trenches and other stormwater management features
IMPACTSThe improvements will accommodate the additional traffic, most notably the significant increase in truck traffic, associated with the commercial development along this section of the Interstate 83 corridor.