
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Water Main Design and Construction Inspection

Have a look at the City of Buffalo’s project to rehabilitate the joints along 11,000 feet of 60-inch, 48-inch, and
36-inch diameter water mains in this community.

The City of Buffalo’s Department of Public Works, Division of Water retained Erdman Anthony to complete a large water main transmission rehabilitation project under a multiyear term agreement for water design services. The duties included searching the city’s database in order to obtain all available records, performing a topographic survey of the project area, providing base mapping, coordinating the base maps with all local utility companies for utility location, investigating the existing water service layout and arrangement, doing a field investigation of the existing facilities, and determining the sizes and developing horizontal and vertical alignments for the installation of new facilities.

The project included rehabilitating approximately 11,000 feet of transmission main ranging from 36 to 60 inches in diameter. Erdman Anthony designed a system for dewatering the lines, performed video inspection of the existing water mains, fabricated over 1,000 36-inch, 48-inch, and 60-inch joint seals, excavated access pits, removed old valves, installed the joint seals, and installed 18 new 36-inch and 48-inch valves.

The main rehabilitation required extensive coordination with local residents and businesses to coordinate and minimize shutdowns. The facilities are on some of the busiest streets in the city, so the project called for extensive maintenance and protection of traffic. Coordination with state, county, and local agencies and other utilities also was provided.

Erdman Anthony created complete bid documents, assisted the city in the taking of bids, performed construction engineering activities, and provided full-time on-site construction inspection.

Following the completion of the project, Erdman Anthony finalized detailed record plans and updated the city’s record documents.


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2023 ACEC New York Platinum Award
Category G
Daniel Ziemianski, PE
Daniel Ziemianski, PE
 716-631-1241 x 1103